Thursday, September 12, 2013

I Know Someone Will Smack Me, But...The Holidays Are Upon Us!

Okay, simmer down! We are half-way through September and it's going by fast. I will be posting some DIY decorating, gift giving guides, how-to's and some great deals you can find locally in the months to come. I'm pretty sure everyone is familiar with Michael's Craft Stores. Here is their ad I just received:

Michael's Store Craft Store.

I am not a rep for Michael's nor do I get paid for sending you there, just a side note. But they do have some super awesome ideas for crafts and decorations. If you're anything like me, I have several storage tubs tucked away with oodles and oodles of craft supplies. Go through, look at the ideas and then make it your own by using your own supplies and ingenuity. Save yourself money!

One thing I like to do during the holidays, is a homemade Christmas. DIY Christmases can be fun and it will save you money in the end and possibly help out the smaller crafters in the area when you purchase from them instead of the large chain stores. This year I intend on making DIY toiletries: shampoo, conditioner, body wash, lotion, makeup and hair styling products. I will be posting as I am creating!

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