Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Gutter Bookshelves

This coming weekend, I'm going to ask my husband to do this DIY project of gutter bookshelves for the kids' playroom. If you can't wait for our tutorial, check out this site.

Gutter Bookshelves

Highlights Free Stuff

Who doesn't like free stuff? We all do. I'm still on the educational kick from yesterday and stumbled across some free stuff on the kids site, Highlights. I remember getting these magazines when I was a kid and LOVED THEM! I still find myself going in to a doctors office and picking up a Highlights magazine versus a gossip rag.

Highlights Free Stuff!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Bee Smart! - Part 1

Some parents and grandparents have children at home that are not school age and want to be active with their education and get them off to a great start. That's what I'm trying to do with my granddaughter. I saw these cute DIY letters through oriental trading company and although it would be ideal, I don't need a dozen of them and I can't see paying almost $7/per letter. That can add up. So based on what they have, I used a paint program to mimic what they are selling and printed off my own. By doing this I am hoping it will help those who really care about their child's education.

Here are some links to what I have finished so far. Check back regularly for more.

A - Alligator
a - apple
B - Bee
b - bird
C - Crab
c - caterpillar
D - Dinosaur (some assembly required)
d - dog

For letters E through I click here.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Homemade Wall Chalkboards

 Here is a little project the whole family worked on, a homemade wall chalkboard. I recently decided to convert my bedroom into a children's playroom. When doing this the first thing that popped in to my mind was, we need chalkboards. With chalkboard paint, you can put one right on the wall, no need to go out and purchase several chalkboards. I wasn't really sure how my husband was going to feel about this, but as you can see, he did the framing for me!

 My granddaughter absolutely loved this idea. Here she is enjoying her cheese quesidilla and strawberries for lunch.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Balsamic-Glazed Chicken Thighs

Remember the post about the Balsamic-Glazed Steak Rolls? Well I told you I was going to try out this recipe and I did! Here is my version, using chicken thighs. It was so amazing! I also have a video of me making this delicious dish!

Balsamic-Glazed Chicken Thighs